Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Christmas Card Photo Failure

So Grace here, I'm taking this blog over while mama is taking a nap. She tried taking pictures of me for her Christmas cards but I think being cooperative for the first year of my life is long enough.
I refuse to work with amateurs anymore, only professionals from now on!

I don't know what my mother is thinking with these damn bows. Maybe when I was a newborn I didn't know better, but now-forget it!
If you don't like the way I want to do things, then talk to me people!
I like this dress for yoga

Seriously, enough with the flower already.

If I just lay here then maybe she'll get then hint and leave me alone.

Stay completely still and she will think I disappeared.
Mama obviously doesn't get it.

Stop torturing me!!!
Happy Holidays, love, Grace

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Thanksgiving to Write Home About

Since this blog is about relaxing I will spare you the gory details of my very eventful holiday and we will go to my happy place.
I give you pictures of the good times this weekend:

Baking using the stolen mixer from my sister. Be still my heart.

orange cranberry muffins


a closeup for good measure

so you can be jealous of me eating my delicious creation

pumpkin bread

baking + butter = love

pumpkin muffins and pumpkin bread

from this photo these look like pumpkin woopie pies but they are muffins

Grace LOVES pumpkin muffins!

mama loves pumpkin muffins

Night before Thanksgiving at The Federal Restaurant <3 delicious

Thanksgiving at the Halpy's


my beautiful sister and my brother in law

my princess next to my cousins stinky feet

she didn't like turkey,

me and my princess

taunt Julie got her a toy for her birthday!

loves her teddy bear!

playing outside

on the carriage ride in Central Park...I mean at my aunt and uncle's house

mommy's the only one ready in this picture

Grace is not pleased

Grace <3's my aunt's puppy Ruby. Sorry daddy, you're going to have to buy her a Yorkie Terrier

Grace and mama had a bad night so we went home early, like 5:30 am early!

"let's get outta here, mama!"

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Just a typical night in the Mac house

So lots going on in the Mac clan lately. The other night I was folding laundry and Grace thought it was her runway:

"what is this used for?"

"feels comfy"


"I could just lay here and get comfy"

"actually, come to think of it"


"This is my cat walk pose!"

"all this walking makes me sleepy"

"not my closeup face"

"This is my closeup!"