Thursday, October 13, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things

Book is read. This book:

An amazing book by the way and very easy read, I suggest you run to the library and pick it up, or download it on your Kindle, Nook, whatever you like. Pick it up, read it. ::gavel:: the end.

Laundry is done, shirts ironed, kitchen is clean, house is vacuumed, bathroom is clean, toys put away, husband and daughter asleep, wine being consumed.
So now that Grace is walking....WALKING!!!!! I have to buy her some shoes. The shoes she currently has will just not do, there is no traction on the bottom with the exception of a pair of pink sparkly sneakers and black and white check mary janes from her cousin Sophia. I actually have a love/hate relationship with shoes. I HATE to buy shoes, I think to spend that much money for something you put on your feet is ridiculous, meanwhile I love shoes and I want pretty ones that are also comfy which = $$
I bit the bullet and bought these for Grace:

and these:

they are both See Kai Run and since she gives me an incredibly difficult time with putting and keeping shoes on, with the exception of maryjanes so I'm hoping these will get the job done! :)
In the mean time, my feet got jealous so I bought myself these:

they may be considered "slippers" but I don't care, I intend to wear them in public and they will be adorable. DSW had them on sale and by God, I had to have them!
So now that you know a few of my favorite things tonight I must go relax and consume more wine. As you should too.

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